Abandoned Water Park, Hue: What To Explore There?

Nov 24, 2023 By Juliana Daniel

Southeast Asia has many abandoned places where some tourists visit out of curiosity. Among these abandoned Water Park, Hue is a place more than a decade old in Vietnam. It is situated at an 8 km distance from the city center and is called Ho Thuy Tien.

You'll explore many abandoned things here that attract visitors from all over the world. The water park was suddenly abandoned, and many tourists started to visit this place out of curiosity. Rotten sculptures, old architecture, and rotten paths make it look like a historical place.

But what's the reason for abandoning it? And what things can you explore here? We have discussed the details to give you complete information about this place.

Hue Abandoned Water Park 2023

On exploring this rotten place, you'll realize the fun you may have had if it wasn't abandoned. The main thing you'll explore here is the dragon, along with the aquarium. If you love visiting abandoned places, you'll end up having fun exploring this place. So, learn about this place's abandoned things and some kind of history.

Abandoned Water Park Hue History

This abandoned place was built in 2004 by the Hue tourism company for almost $30M. The company had claimed to build an amazing family park as a tourist attraction, but that can never happen. The area is surrounded by pine trees, making the environment breathtaking.

Although abandoned years ago, it indirectly became a tourist spot for many visitors. This place is full of amusement for those who want to explore and have adventures. Thuy Tien Lake abandoned water park was closed in 2011, but what was the reason for doing so?

Ho Thuy Tien Water Park: Why Did It Close?

In 2013, the owner sold this park to the HACO company by proposing to renovate and build an eco-tourism place. But nothing could happen, and the Water Park remained abandoned. It is unclear why the idea didn't work twice for this place, and it is still abandoned.

Financial crisis was the reason for abandoning this water park and handing it to another owner. But the second owner was also unable to resolve the issue. However, people visit the place continuously and explore different things there.

Entrance Of The Park

Currently, entrance is prohibited, but people still get into there either by bribing the security guards or sneaking from the backside of the park. But it may be dangerous to sneak into the place as it was declared in 2018 to stay away from here.

The water park is rotten and may cause accidents at that place, so the entrance was prohibited in 2018. You can visit the place at your own risk, but make sure not to climb on anything if you don't want to get injured.

Explore Thuy Tien Lake Abandoned Water Park

After entering the park, you can easily explore the place and have an adventurous tour. It is filled with a big dragon with an aquarium, water slides, and sculptures. Following is a list of things you'll explore at the abandoned water park, Hue.


It is the most prominent and the first thing you'll see there on entering this place. It is a huge metal dragon in the center of the lake, and you can see the rusting signs on it. You can enter the dragon and see the lake view from its mouth facing the lake. The dragon body was built creatively but is now rusted because of abandonment.


After visiting the dragon, you'll see an amphitheater at the end of the lake. It was used to host different shows during a short period when the water park was opened. Moreover, it was the main attraction for the tourists at that time.

Water Slides

One of the main things that a water park must have is the water slides. After visiting the dragon and the amphitheater, you can now visit the set of 3 water slides with a swimming pool. But this pool doesn't have fresh water as you'll see dirt and algae there.


Another thing that can attract visitors here is a model car designed creatively with the art of water creatures. But now it is rotten, and the paint is cracked, with dirt covering some parts.


The fountain is spread over a large area, and it seems there were water shows in the past. It still looks beautiful with all the surrounding greenery. It is the beautiful spot at this abandoned water park, hue after the dragon and car.


Around the lake, you'll spot many sculptures that are beautiful artwork to increase the charm of this place at its opening. But now these seem rotten, and it is recommended not to touch them to avoid any accidents.

Music Stadium

It was an attractive place when the water flowed with music, but now it just remains a creepy thing. The entrance of this stadium is also rotten, and you'll see grass there. The walls are covered with graffiti in the stadium base. The audience used it to see the water show there.

How To Get At Waterpark, Hue?

You can reach the abandoned water park, Hue, in your vehicle or by hiring a taxi. It will cost you $9, and you'll reach in almost 20 minutes from the center of the city. If you want to know the direction, type Ho Thuy Tien in Google Maps, and you'll see the direction.

If you love mystery and adventure, you'll enjoy visiting this abandoned water park. It may be dangerous because of the rotten things and breaching security, but if you are cautious, you'll be safe.


If you love visiting abandoned places, the abandoned water park, Hue is where you can explore different rotten things and buildings. However, it will take you almost 4 hours to explore this place. So, give it a chance if you are willing to go and explore abandoned things in this rotten water park.

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